Thursday, November 28, 2013

#NaBloPoMo: November 28

My theme for the NaBloPoMo had been to do short stories (or pieces of short stories) – However, today I’m going to do different…. – Realizing, of course, that I’m all sorts of behind on daily blogging challenge (heck blogging in general). What kind of (insert appropriate self condemning type words here) did I think […]

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Daily Post – Weekly Prompt Challenge

Haikus and prose really aren’t my thing and trying to come up with five for the Daily Post – Weekly Writing Challenge would be just a little bit too much of a challenge…. But I just had to share this one Haiku I’m sure many haven’t even thought about. The “Sh’ma” – one of the […]

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Saturday, November 23, 2013

#SocialMedia: A Blessing or A Curse??

This whole idea for this post started out as a response to an email from a friend (actually a couple emails) that were based in her recent blog “Pappa’s Perspective” which I highly recommend you head over and read (just don’t forget to head back over here to read the rest of my blog (hint: […]

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Daily Post: PlayTime – Monopoly

Every once in a while my son gets on this kick to play Monopoly. He’ll want to play it several different days in a row. The other day, my husband and ex step-mom (don’t me to go into that one) were reminiscing about how they use to play monopoly all the time as kids. I, […]

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Five Sentence Fiction: Pieces – Break In

Brandi’s heart skipped several beats as she drove up the drive way that led to the back of her modest two story home in the well to do neighborhood she lived in. Burglaries here weren’t commonplace and yet she could clearly make out the broken glass, plain as day, that was the same color as […]

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

WWBH Writer Wednesday Blog Hop (November 20, 2013)

Another busy day with doctor appointments and errands with hubby. Got home and had a *bleep* load of blog writing to do (still working on them). Didn’t want to forget about our weekly WWBH challenge. Be sure and join the fun….. This week Leanne Sype hosts the blog hop *************************** Hello, friends! I had to […]

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Friday, November 15, 2013

NaBloPoMo 14/ My WWBH Story (November 13, 2013

I’m going to cheat a bit and kill two birds with one stone (so to speak) and post my story for both the NaBloPoMo & WWBH. Well not really cheating as i know no rule against it. Here are TWO photos for this weeks WWBH (note the new twist). Photo # 1 via Flickr Photo […]

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Five Sentence Fiction – Letter

It had all begun with a letter – A letter written nearly a year earlier as part of a volunteer project. Bridget had been surprised to receive that first return letter and each subsequent one a continued surprise. Through each letter josh had shared a lot about himself as had Bridget. The latest letter had […]

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

#NaBloPoMo: Daily Post – Nov 13, 2013

Continued from NaBloPoMo: November 12, 2013 Worried, Mike had followed Sally as she bolted out of the building to where her car was parked. He had known something was wrong almost the minute he saw her answer her phone, had seen the pale look that had suddenly come over her face as she collapsed into […]

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Five Sentence Fiction – Dancing

Check out Lillie McFerrin’s Five Sentence Fiction for this week’s prompt Gloria watched with affection as her grandparents took the dance floor at their 50th wedding anniversary. She wondered if she’d ever find anyone with whom she could share her life with the way her grandparent had. Their’s was a love that had stood the […]

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Share Your World – Week 40

Do you plan out things usually or do you do them more spontaneous (for example if you are visiting a big city you don’t know? I’m more of a planner. I really hate surprise parties — NO, I mean I really HATE them. Hate being put on the spot and/or not knowing what’s going on. […]

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WWBH Writer Wednesday Blog Hop (November 13, 2013)

Apparently I’m getting a head start on putting “2014″ in the date – almost did that in the title here….. Here’s this weeks WWBH prompt by our wonderful & gracious host Nicole of The World of My Imagination ********************* And we’re back! I don’t know about you guys but it’s getting colder around here lately! […]

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Daily Prompt: Ten Questions – “Inside the Studio”

Today’s Daily Prompt is a list of 10 questions that are asked by Inside the Actors’ Studio׳s host James Lipton of his guests. Below area the questions and my answers. What is your favorite word? This is a toughy…. I don’t have a favorite word What is your least favorite word? Same here – another […]

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Daily Prompt: Food for the Soul

Today, the “daily prompt” is Food For The Soul (and stomach) I’m going to cheat a bit and actually mention my son’s favorite type of dish….. Pasta. The boy could live on pasta (more specifically “Mac & Cheese”) if he was allowed. Can’t say I blame him…. I kind of like pasta dishes myself (and […]

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Monday, November 4, 2013

#NaBloPoMo: Intro

Good Intentions….. And all that good stuff. I first learned about the NaBloPoMo on November 02 but was out shopping at the time and by the time I got home and got everything put away and taken care of it was really getting too late for me to think of trying to write a blog […]

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