Tuesday, December 31, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 24: What Attracts You?

Day 24: What attracts you (in love) Back in my younger (say back in college) days, I would have to say that things like kind, caring, sense of humor, funny would be at the top of the list (still are) and of course being good looking wouldn’t have hurt either…. The definition of what is […]

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How I did in 2013

Hopefully you’ve all enjoyed my blog and continue to do so in 2014 The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,000 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it […]

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Monday, December 30, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 23: Winning the Lottery

This is very much like the Daily Prompt challenge I did the other day Winner – where we were to write what we’d do if won a billion dollars…. No strings attached, No taxes owed. What I would do, if I won the lottery, really depends on the amount (which isn’t specified in this challenge). […]

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Daily Prompt Challenge: BrainWave

Today’s daily prompt challenge is “BrainWave“ The idea is to write on a great idea that you had, but I’m going to rebel…. I don’t think I’ve ever had a really good idea. Not that I haven’t had good ideas, on small scales, from time to time. Just not anything that’s really worth writing/bragging about. […]

via WordPress http://jottingsandwritings.wordpress.com/2013/12/30/daily-prompt-challenge-brainwave/

Saturday, December 28, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 21: Sad

Yesterday’s “30 Day Blog Challenge” asked “What makes you happy – Which I just realize I had screwed up on and forgot to fix title (done now, hopefully everything links properly)…. Today we are asked Day 21: What makes you sad? A lot of things make me sad – more than I could write about…. […]

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Daily Prompt Challenge: WINNER

Daily post puts out a “daily prompt” challenge each morning. I’ll admit I haven’t been doing the challenge on a daily basis, but picking out the ones I feel I can blog something on….. Today’s challenge is Winner (for photographers, artists, poets = show RICHES). The lead up, is that you’ve just won a billion […]

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Friday, December 27, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 19: Favorite Movie

Day 20: What makes you happy I won’t say nothing makes me happy, but I don’t go around with a smile on my face all the time – in fact, sometimes I look downright surly. Often times I feel to tired to smile. I guess the one thing that makes me smile is watching little […]

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30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 19: Favorite Movie

Dang it, I did it again…. Skipped a day again. But, as I recently advised a fellow blogger, I must get back in the saddle (well I didn’t exactly word it that way). So, here’s the post that should have been yesterday’s (today’s to follow)… Day 19: Favorite Movie To be honest I haven’t watched […]

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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Writer Wednesday Blog Hop – A Look Back.

We’ve (gosh it’s been so long since I’ve hosted, I’m not sure I should still count myself) decided to take/go on a hiatus (brain cells have ceased to function on which is correct expression) for the next couple weeks. Instead we are looking back at our favorites… Little hard for me to do as I […]

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30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 18: Self Photo

Now I get to today’s 30 Day blog challenge….. Day 18: A photograph of yourself Originally, I was going to do today’s challenge first, but realized I didn’t have a good photo to use. Got that remedied while at family’s for dinner. That last isn’t one of my better ones (in terms of expression) but […]

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30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 17: Favorite Blogs.

Missed posting yesterday’s blog, so having to do two blogs today for 30 Day Blog Challenge Today’s challenge asks you to post a self photo, but I’ll get to that later (not sure if I have a good picture available anyway). So, for now….. Day 17: Favorite Blogs There are actually several good blogs out […]

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Share Your World – Week 46

check out this weeks “Share Your World” Week 46 Here’s my answers: Name one thing not many people know about you. Can’t really think of anything to put here. Guess one thing I could put down is the fact that I’m missing part of my middle ear bones from something called cholesteotoma. What is set […]

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Monday, December 23, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 16: thoughts on Education

Day 16: Your thoughts on education. My thoughts on learning, in general, is that it is a life long process. You should never stop learning. I’m not sure where this saying originates from, but one I’ve heard my husband quote many a time – “The older I get, the more I realize the less I […]

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 11: 5 Favorite Foods

After midnight, and need to get to bed after being up since 5am…… So, really quick…… My Five Favorite Foods: Coconut Pineapple Swiss Cheese Yogurt Avocado (told you it was making it on my list Laurin This list is by no means comprehensive or in any order of most favorite. There are many that could […]

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge: Your Dream Job

Ok this is just freaky weird -LOL. Just earlier (out of the blue I was posting/tweeting etc about the “perfect” job – which, for me would combine my skills of clerical/data entry type work with my interest in the Fire/EMS field(s) and the fact that I like to read & write. Of course measurable (and […]

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WWBH (December 11, 2013) – My Story

As she pulled up to where the “Support our Heroes Day” event was being held, Barbara could see that there was a huge crowd of people. Barbara was all for support of Fire, Police, Paramedics, and Military Personnel, but being exceedingly shy and withdrawn kept her from most gatherings like this. She tended to do […]

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WWBH Blog Hop (December 11, 2013)

This week our gracious host is Leanne from Writings and Ruminations (or should that be illuminations – she certainly illuminates through her writing) ******************************** The chill of an icy morning is cozy from the inside, where sandalwood candles warm my space, and a cup of hot coffee warms my soul. Winter has certainly blasted its […]

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge: Your Favorite Quote.

Actually there are two that I really like…. The first is one that my mom liked “Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forward” ~ Kierkegaard What’s that saying? “Hindsight is 20/20″. Things only make sense (sometimes) after the fact. Often times experience is the only real way to learn. The second […]

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

30 Day Blogging Challenge: Your Blog Name:

I’ve decided to join Someday, Laurin on her 30 Day Blog Challenge Day One: Your Blog Name Actually I have 2 blogs this one here, FES Tidbits, and (plug time) a blog that I admin on for Author Jerrid Edgington As for this blog, It started out as a way to jot down thoughts and […]

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Daily Post: Learning Style

Today’s daily prompt by “The Daily Post” is Learning Style what is your ‘Learning Style’? I am a “learn by doing” kind of person. It’s fine to show me a time or two, but if I don’t get in there and do it just doesn’t connect. I’m sure this drives my husband batty. He seems […]

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WWBH Blog Hop (December 04, 2013) – Uodate

Just noticed that there was an update to this week’s “Blog Hop” to include stories from this last week for the last Blog Hop Challenge…. You may have noticed that a week was skipped – This was purposely done due to Thanksgiving and the desire of the Blog Hop Ladies to give people time with […]

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WWBH Blog Hop (December 04, 2013)

November was a busy month (or atleast seemed that way). Hard to say if December will be any better (somehow I doubt it, even if I don’t have any holidays or such to deal with….. No, just the usual on top of playing catch up). So, where we??? Ahhh yes the weekly “Blog Hop”. Note, […]

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Five Sentence Fiction – Human

“Ohh to be human again” Re’Lon thought as he walked in the bitter cold – A cold that he didn’t even feel. All around him, Re’Lon caught sight of people shivering with cold despite being bundled up and he wished he could feel something (anything), but all he felt was emptiness To his surprise, Re’Lon […]

via WordPress http://jottingsandwritings.wordpress.com/2013/12/01/five-sentence-fiction-human/