Friday, June 27, 2014

Fill-In Fun – Friday June 27

I am trying hard to learn how to…. Nothing comes to mind. Can’t say I’m “trying hard” on learning anything. Sure there’s things I want to learn, but none that specifically for the question. Seeing other writers makes me think that I’m fooling myself to think I could even think about putting myself anywhere near […]

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Word of #WordPress Advice

A word of advice…. NEVER NEVER NEVER (repeat times infinitum) try to work your widgets via browser on phone. All I wanted to do was peruse my widgets, but as I was attempting to do so my widgets got all screwed up so now some are in the wrong spot (and possibly some missing). Going […]

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

#WWBH Blog Hop – Kick Off: June 25, 2014

Wednesdays will forever be Blog Hop Photo Reveal day in my mind… and it will always conjure up memories of incredible stories written by a creative community of writers! Today we have a fresh prompt and two fun stories from last week’s Blog Hop reveal: News and Nilla by Debb Stanton It’s a Cat, Not […]

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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Weekly Photo Challenge: Between

When I first came across this week’s photo challenge, I saved it to my “writing/photo challenge” folder but with the idea that I probably wasn’t going to do anything with it since I didn’t have any ideas…. Then I saw Wandering Iris take on the challenge and realized that the picture I had taken early […]

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#Writing 101:

Today’s Writing 101 Assignment is to: “You’re told that an event that’s dear to your heart — an annual fair, festival, or conference — will be cancelled forever (or taken over by an evil organization). Write about it. For your twist, read your piece aloud, multiple times. Hone that voice of yours!” ******************************************** Melanie couldn’t […]

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

#WWBH Blog Hop – Kick Off: June 18, 2014

Here we go loopty loo, here we go loopty write…. Ok so that’s not how it goes, but here goes Debb Stanton with this week’s hope, I mean hop. ************************** Well, it’s another Wednesday – another midweek – and another chance to participate in this blog hop! Curiously enough, I had typed the title as […]

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One Word Photo Challenge: White

There’s not much I could think of around the house to capture “White”, but I did find a couple items for Jennifer Well’s One Word Photo Challenge: White: Filed under: Uncategorized

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Four Fill In Fun – June 13, 2014

1. Truth is Stranger than fiction. Okay, so I didn’t come up with that, but it’s true. Just look around you. 2. Do you ever wonder if People actually do like me or just being nice. 3. When I relax I like to have a quiet spot alone because well who doesn’t?? It’s hard to […]

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Word A Week – Happy

Each week Sue, from A Word In Your Ear, reaches into her dictionary for the “word for the week”.. The challenge being for us to post a short story or poem, or a photograph telling or describing the word as it relates to each of us… This week the word is Happy. If you join […]

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Sunday Stills: Medical Things

Sorry to say, I’m a little late on this challenge as the next one should popping up in my inbox soon. The first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this was my trusty “paramedic scissors” that I bought myself many years ago when taking an EMT course. Of course I could have […]

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Word A Week – Happy

Each week Sue, from A Word In Your Ear, reaches into her dictionary for the “word for the week”.. The challenge being for us to post a short story or poem, or a photograph telling or describing the word as it relates to each of us… This week the word is Happy. If you join […]

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Sunday Stills: Medical Things

Sorry to say, I’m a little late on this challenge as the next one should popping up in my inbox soon. The first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this was my trusty “paramedic scissors” that I bought myself many years ago when taking an EMT course. Of course I could have […]

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More On Character Building

Last night, when I wrote the two blogposts for yesterday’s writing assignment on “character building” (and, more specifically, “character building part two“) I did not adequately share Leanne’s character traits as a person… I have yet to meet Leanne in person, but through our online chats (via social media, email, etc), as well as through […]

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Monday, June 9, 2014

#Writing 101: A Character – Building Experience (part 2)

Today’s Writing 101 Assignment is to: “write about the most interesting person you’ve met in 2014. In your twist, develop and shape your portrait further in a character study” I mentioned in the first post for this assignment that were two people I had recently met (maybe not 2014 exactly, but close to it) that […]

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Sunday, June 8, 2014


There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday Thought

How fast time flies… How fast they grow. Those are the thoughts in my mind as I look at the photograph I took of my son’s 6th grade promotion. Hard to believe he’ll be starting Jr. High just around the corner, and that in the year 2020 (if things go according to schedule), he’ll be […]

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Filed under: photo challenges Tagged: photos, wordless wednesday

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#Writing 101: Commit to a Writing Practice

Today, celebrate three songs that are significant to you. For your twist, write for fifteen minutes without stopping — and build a writing habit. The three songs I chose for today’s writing assignment are as follows: Hans Zimmer – Set me in motion Hans Zimmer – The show goes on Robbie Robertson – Shine Your […]

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#WWBH Blog Hop – Kick Off: June 04, 2014

In answer to LeAnne’s question below…. Yes. Not because of the fiction part, I actually enjoy making up stories but because (like most novice writers) I question my ability. Each time I hen & haw on writing my story, wondering if I’m going to get something to mesh, to flow. Don’t be afraid to step […]

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#DailyPrompt: Longing for Gravity – What Would You Miss?

Today’s Daily Prompt asks: You are on a mission to Mars. Because of the length of of the journey, you will never be able to return to Earth. What about our blue planet will you miss the most? My first thought, this morning, was coffee and my big comfy chair that I sit in to […]

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

#Writing 101: Unlocking the Mind

Going back a day Welcome to Writing 101. In this inaugural assignment, let’s loosen up and just write. We’re so excited you’ve joined us — let’s get started! My, real quick thoughts here is that going to do my best here, but make NO promises… Life has a habit of getting in the way […]

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#Writing 101: A Mountainous View

Going to make this short and sweet. We’re all drawn to certain places. If you had the power to get somewhere — anywhere — where would you go right now? For your twist, focus on building a setting description. This actually came up in a discussion, with hubby, years ago. A good friend of […]

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Sunday fiction

“Jackson”, Molly yelled to her 8 year old son. “What, mom” he asked, bounding down the stairs into the living room with his usual exuberant energy. “You want to explain what on Gods green earth one of each of both your brand new shoes are doing way up there on the electrical line?” And the […]

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Tuesday Tidbits

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the nightFiled under: photo challenges Tagged: photo challenge, photos, sunrise, sunset, tuesday tidbits

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday Moments: June 2, 2014

Thought I’d post a quick Monday Moments picture before heading off to the store in 90+ (100+??) degree weather: She’s got the right idea for today Filed under: photo challenges Tagged: monday moments, photo challenge, photos

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#WWBH: May 28, 2014 – My Story

There’s still time to join the fun, but hurry… The linky thing closes Tuesday evening: From his vantage point, Jack silently waited. Waited for the perfect moment to make his move. He would be the hunter here, not the hunted. He had waited a long time for this moment. The logistics of the mission […]

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

#DailyPrompt: Snapshot Stories

Open the first photo album you can find — real or virtual, your call — and stop at the first picture of yourself you see there . Tell us the story of that photo. This was actually a recent photographs that I has taken of 2 older photographs. I forget now why I had taken […]

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#DailyPrompt: Climate Control

The idea that the weather and people’s moods are connected is quite old. Do you agree? If yes, how does the weather affect your mood? I would have to say that weather can very much affect a person’s mood. I know that on sunny days I feel much happier and energetic and (in opposition) […]

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Word a Week Photograph Challenge: Orange You can see some if the oranges in these sunset scenes, if you look really close – along with shades of pink. Then there’s my silly son wearing an orange shirt. (Dressed for a school project). Filed under: photo challenges Tagged: orange, photo challenge, word a week

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#DailyPrompt: Futures Past

Today’s prompt (which I’m getting out at the last minute) asks: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? How close or far are you from that vision? At one time I wanted to help other kids not be scared of having surgery… But more realistically, for the longed time […]

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