Hmmmm page three???? Haven't even done page 1 or 2 yet..... How am I suppose to do page 3.... And are we talking in the literal sense or proverbially sense. Either way the previous comment applies. Haven't written literal pages 1 or 2 and all I've got so far is my "past" and my "now"... The future is yet unwritten - it can't be- We don't know what it holds. Only G-d knows the answer to that (and he's not tellin).
I'll do my best to take a page from my earlier years (not sure how what when where) that page fits in).
Just a few months after my 5th birthday, my mother killed herself (yeah, I know, getting off to a morbid start aren't we) via hanging. Till recently I was always under the impression that I had been at a pseudo-gramma's house, but that may not have been the case - But that isn't important to this "story" as I don't consciously remember anything (and can't write about what I only remember sub-consciously.
I was told, while growing up, that I was sent to live with my Aunt and Uncle for a few months but this fact alludes me. Apparently my mind has shut it out because I remember nothing about living with them (just as I remember nothing of being home when Mom died. Funny thing, the brain.... Funny how it "protects" by shutting out unpleasant memories...... Anyway, apparently this didn't go so well for me and I was sent back home to live with my dad. Now, I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for him to raise a young daughter who looked like the spitting image of her mother.
I won't say that I'm over the loss of my mother because, quite frankly, that is IMPOSSIBLE. You never get over a loss of a mother. There were a number of times throughout my life when I'd really begin to miss her (like on my wedding day); But, life goes on.
I have a Facebook page created in dedication to my mother (an Artist & Author) with pictures of her artwork. I have also begun to include information about Depression, PTSD, Suicide, and other related topics. Hopefully, in sharing information, we can become better informed